was that while wearing women's clothes in the presence of others the clothes assumed secondary importance and that I was still me. The biggest thrill lay in the anticipa- tion of getting dressed and of course, in the actual dress- ing. I was unable to alter my male personality to that of a female and am not so sure that I would really want to. I have been told by a TV much more experienced than I, that with each forward step in the practice the desire increases and that feminine mannerisms would become more and more natural. This may be so, but I cannot either affirm or dispute this since I dont believe I'm qualified to make an opinion.
From these discussions with other TV's I began to look upon my problem more realistically. I found that when one meets others dressed femininely one's reaction is not just an erotic one as it may have been when gaz- ing in the mirror at oneself. Clothes cease to be both a beginning and an end...they are merely clothes and one becomes more interested in the personality wearing them. I came to see that if TV goes deeper than just the nar- cissistic level we become aware that it's not just a love of feminine clothes. As dear Virginia called it, "the social woman" aspect of our TVism is brought from the depths. We've always had it but now we know what it i8. Everything becomes clearer and our make-believe world although still existing is not so make-believe Together we could discuss our problem intelligently with- out the overpowering sexual aspect distorting our think- ing. I began to know myself and to accept myself for better or worse.
Since I am to be married in the near future I decid- ed to consult a doctor for my own sake and also for the sake of my future wife. Fortunately I live in a large city and was able to see one of the formest men in the sexological field and a man who knew a great deal about TVism. ((Ed. Note: ((Ed. Note: This was Dr. Harry Benjamin who kindly contributed the article in #6. He is a real friend of all TVs as Denise discovered.)) He assured me that I was a perfectly normal male but that I had cer-